DAMIAN a écrit:Afin de préparer un petit séjour canarien en famille en février, qq questions aux spécialistes...
déjà, est-ce la bonne période, par rapport à paques ?
Ben disons qu'en hiver c'est le coup de poker total, si une depression passe c'est yalah sinon carotte. Paques est plus sur si les alizées sont en route mais bon avec le vent rien n'est jamais garantie.
DAMIAN a écrit:en famille, mieux vaut loger où ?
1/ Corralejo
2/ lajares si tu veux une situation centrale et que tu preferes une maison avec piscine mais t'es dans les terres
3/Cotillo si tu veux un petit village paisible et calme
DAMIAN a écrit:quels sont les spots accessibles en freeride/vagues, pour naviguer en wind avec madame ?
glass beach est parfait pour ça. Apres sur le northshore tout depend de la houle bien sur. Si c'est petit la plupart sont accessibles.
DAMIAN a écrit:est-ce que ça vaut le coup d'emener son matos (si oui quoi), ou louer ?
Ca vaut le coup car il y a moyen d'embarquer pour pas tres cher (au retour tu payes quasimment jamais)
Sinon tu peux louer chez bracar, chez witchraft à glass beach (fanatic/north) et dans corralejo :
Location de matos de planche à Fuerte
«we can offer you a 7th-wave 2011 91 liters trifin and with sails we have Severne and Ezzy sails. You can take the equipment everywhere you want on the island and you can change the board and sails daily (depending on availability). The price for one board, one mast, one boom, mast foot and extension plus two sails is 289€ is you prebook in advance. Our policy for broken equipment is that you have to pay the cost price or the second hand value, whichever is lowest. »
«We've got disponibility for the week you're in Fuerteventura, one new custom twinzer fins of 90 l. If more gear is disponible you will also be able to sail with 100 litres for light wind and 82 if it gets stronger. The sails are Gaastra Manic HD 2011, you can have 5.3 and 4.7. Depending on the disponibility we also got 5.7, 5.0 and 4.5. Rental price is 240/week. If you want to go sailing with us, we can bring the equipment to the best spot and we can sail together, and we can make a price of 45 EUR per day you sail. There is no insurancy for the gear, so for broken part you have to pay the cost of repairing or the new part at school cost, same than if you sail with your gear.»
Je n'ai pas eu de reponse
«No problem to rent the material and you can take it away. We have the freewave 95 from Fanatic but no twin fin, sorry. You can change material whenever you want and if you are taking it away then we will supply you with 2 sails. We have North Ice form 4.2-5.7 and also bigger sails. You have to pay for all breakages which are not “wear and tear” and we will ask you to leave a credit card at the start of the rental period. Finally 1 week is 215 euros please confirm if you would like me to pre book it for you »
Les prix sont ici :
http://www.witchcraft.nu/testcenter.php . «We have: 77, 80, 83, 86, 89, 92, 99L Wave V3.0 + 88 and 100L Chakra. Ezzy sails from 4.2 to 6.0. You can take the stuff to any spot. Harnesses are not d. We have some but waiting for new harnesses. Damages that are not covered by the guarantee have to be paid for according to the costs. With a max of 60% of the new value at which point the equipment is yours.»